Posts in Meetings events webinars
Palestine: Feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives

May 2024

GADN Members’ Meeting: This GADN Members' Meeting on feminist, anti-racist and decolonial perspectives on Palestine provided an educational space for GADN members to engage with these issues through the perspectives and analyses of anti-Zionist feminist speakers of Palestinian and Jewish descent. The virtual panel was moderated by Awino Okech, with speakers Nada Elia and Walaa Alqaisiya.

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From decolonisation to locally-led development: repoliticising the agenda

February 2024

GADN Members’ Meeting: This GADN Members’ Meeting provided an opportunity to explore what locally-led development and decolonisation mean in practice with speakers Dr. Kamna Patel and Dr. Lata Narayanaswamy. We examined why locally-led development is gaining traction politically and discussed why decolonial approaches are still needed in the international development sector.

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Interrogating the role of Northern international development organisations in combatting global injustices

December 2022

Members’ Meeting: In this meeting, GADN, in conversation with Priyanthi Fernando and Dinah Musindarwezo, shares reflections from a recent learning paper to interrogate the roles of organisations that benefit from ‘Global North power and privilege’ in combatting global injustices.

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CSW66 Parallel Event: Feminist alternatives for a transformative Covid-19 economic recovery

March 2022

CSW66 NGO Forum Parallel Event: This CSW66 NGO Forum Parallel Event examined some of the Covid-19 policy responses and their impacts on women’s rights and gender equality in four national contexts. It offered a space to explore the many shared experiences, as well as important lessons for potentially transformative future proposals.

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W7 Summit 2021

April 2021

Event: On 21–22 April 2021, the W7 Summit brought together feminist experts, activists and practitioners from G7 countries and all around the world to amplify the voices, perspectives and leadership of those not commonly included in the G7 forum. Participants collaborated on proposals for the G7 and agreed on concrete and meaningful actions in pursuit of gender justice. Selected recordings from the event’s speakers are now available.

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Gender Advocacy in 2021

February 2021

Members’ Meeting: 2021 is a critical year for global gender advocacy, particularly with the UK hosting both the G7 and COP26, the fulfilment of the Generation Equality Forum and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. GADN’s February members’ meeting introduced GADN members to some of these key global processes and developments with the UK government and provided a space for further discussion.

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Addressing systemic racism and decolonising the international development sector

November 2020

Members’ Meeting: GADN’s November members’ meeting looked at how we can apply an anti-racist and decolonial lens to our work. The meeting introduced GADN members to the concept of ‘decolonising development’ as well discussing how we begin the process of decolonisation and what such a practise aims to achieve.

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