GADN members are a diverse range of UK-based NGOs and leading experts working to put gender equality and women’s rights at the heart of international development.
Membership of GADN offers a unique opportunity to connect with a strong and influential community - do joint lobbying and advocacy, stay up-to-date with the latest news and, get support in mainstreaming gender into your organisation’s work.
Find out how you and your organisation can join GADN.
Take a look at the latest member meetings and events.

GADN is a vital resource. Their webinars are particularly informative, bringing together different perspectives - from women’s rights activists on the ground to high-level policymakers - to debate major policy issues.
- Abigail Hunt, Policy Officer, Trades Union Congress (TUC), (formerly ODI)
GADN member organisations
The network also comprises of a large group of individual members including academics and consultants.

“I’m a freelance consultant and the GADN member meetings and updates are the best way to keep up to date with what’s going on in the sector.”
- Ruth Duebbert, consultant
Sister networks
To strengthen our impact, we work with sister networks on gender, peace and security (GAPS - Gender Action on Peace and Security Network) and sexual and reproductive health (UK SRHR Network).
📷 Gerard Howe of DFID (centre) responds to questions from GADN working group chairs (November 2018)