Posts in Briefings & reports
Achieving gender equality and women’s rights through public services and social protection

December 2023

Briefing: This briefing argues that publicly funded and managed public services and social protection are central to achieving gender equality and women’s rights. It underscores that publicly financed services are more cost-effective, sustainable and equitable despite the growing privatisation trend. It concludes with recommendations from Southern groups for increasing fiscal space.

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Global Feminist Cooperation Targeting the G7: Thoughts & Recommendations

December 2023

Learning paper: This learning paper collates lessons learned and reflections from GADN’s G7 engagement in advocating for the adoption of feminist alternatives in 2022 and 2023. It suggests further thoughts and recommendations for improving feminist cooperation within Women 7 (W7) across issues such as timeframes; advocacy; feminist representation and movement building.

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Resisting the rollback of women's and girls' rights: Considerations and entry points for action for the UK government

November 2023

Briefing: In response to the UK government’s commitment to combat rollback, this briefing explores some of the ways in which attacks on women’s and girls' rights are being experienced in areas such as women’s economic justice, women’s political and social empowerment and violence against women and girls and makes recommendations for government action.

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Reparations as a pathway to decolonisation

May 2023

Briefing: This briefing explores ‘reparations approaches’ and their potential contribution towards ensuring that decolonisation is a transformative response where former colonisers acknowledge, remedy and redress the devastating legacies of European colonialism and slavery. It examines what they are, why they are owed, and what international development organisations should do.

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What is the role of Northern organisations in global justice advocacy?

December 2022

Learning paper: Organisations that benefit from ‘Global North power and privilege’ must reassess their roles. In conversation with advocates globally, this paper explores the ways traditional redistribution of funds and other resources perpetuates colonialism and proposes changes. Critically, it spotlights the duty of such organisations to challenge Northern governments that perpetuate global injustices.

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Centring care in Covid-19 economic recovery: a five-point care package

March 2022

Briefing: A just Covid-19 economic recovery must centre care. GADN and the Women’s Budget Group propose a “care package” with practical actions needed in five areas: invest in social infrastructure; create decent work for underpaid carers; recognise unpaid care work; provide universally accessible social protection; and re-value care and well-being within economic recovery.

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Lessons for a feminist Covid-19 economic recovery: Multi-country perspectives

March 2022

Report: Working with feminists and women’s rights organisations in Argentina, India, the Philippines and Uganda, this report builds on women’s experiences during Covid-19 to develop concrete lessons for transformative change. We propose viable feminist policy alternatives to promote participatory decision-making, apply intersectional feminist analyses and adopt alternative feminist economic proposals. Together this will centre care, sustainability and well-being within Covid-19 economic recovery.

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Humanitarians and the Women, Peace and Security agenda during Covid 19

December 2021

Briefing: The Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda’s call to transform crisis response is more important than ever – for peacebuilding and for humanitarian response. As we set the agenda beyond 2021, the UK should make WPS a foundational part of gender-responsive humanitarian preparedness, response and recovery in the wake of Covid-19.

This briefing was produced by the GADN Humanitarian Working Group in collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK), Fe-Male, the Gender Equality Network and the Gender Violence Recovery Centre.

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Feminist Proposals on Macroeconomic Policies needed for a COVID-19 Economic Recovery: A perspective from the African continent

June 2021

Briefing: Three academics from the Institute for Economic Justice in South Africa suggest that Covid-19 presents an opportunity to reshape macroeconomics, explain feminist approaches, explore the responses of African governments to the pandemic, and propose recommendations for a more just and equitable economic recovery.

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W7 Communique

April 2021

Communique: Following the W7 Summit, the final Communique has now been released. It outlines the key priority areas for the G7 to commit to and resource in order to address long-standing gender inequalities as well as help fulfil women and girls’ rights.

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Feminist proposals for a just, equitable and sustainable post-COVID-19 economic recovery

February 2021

Briefing: As part of the COVID-19 economic recovery, feminists worldwide have been devising and calling for alternative solutions in key macroeconomic policy areas. This briefing collates and highlights these alternative proposals, centring the voices of actors who are often-overlooked by decision-makers.

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