Reflecting on 30 Years Since Beijing: Preparing for CSW69

February 2025

What this members' meeting was about

In the lead up to the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and with preparations for the Commission on the Status of Women 69 (CSW69) underway, this GADN members’ meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on progress to date, identify and assess upcoming challenges, hear from feminist experts on current priorities for CSW69 and exchange with others engaged in the process.

This meeting featured a panel of feminist experts engaged in CSW advocacy, alongside contributions from UN Women, who shared their insights and priorities for Beijing+30 and CSW69. We heard from a range of practitioners who shared their perspectives and priorities in the lead up to CSW69. Our fantastic panel comprised of:

  • Nicole Maloba, FEMNET

  • Shiphrah Belonguel, Fòs Feminista

  • Heather Knight, Plan International UK

  • Brianna Howell and Loui Williams, UN Women

You can access the slides shared by UN Women here.

Further resources referenced by UN Women: