GADN is an influential network of UK-based NGOs and experts collaborating internationally to promote gender equality and the rights of women and girls in all their diversity.
The issues we work on
GADN Working Groups and Secretariat work with our members on a range of issues related to gender equality and women's rights from women's economic justice, to political voice, to living free from violence. Find out more - including publications from GADN, members and feminists from the Global South.
Our current priority areas are
The British Government has a significant impact globally, both through its role in international policy-making and its official development assistance. As a UK network, it is part of GADN’s role to hold our government to account for its impact on gender equality and women’s rights around the world. This includes opposition to the recent cuts in aid, critical reactions to the International Development Strategy and attempts to shape the policy and practice outlined in its Women and Girls strategy.
International institutions and national governments take economic decisions that determine the shape of our economies and societies, impacting every area of gender equality and women’s rights. They could be a force for good, reallocating resources and promoting equality, but most current economic policies perpetuate inequalities. GADN’s Feminist Reframing of Macro-level Economics (REFRAME) project works with feminists from around the world to propose viable economic alternatives.
GADN recognises that gender inequality cannot be understood and effectively confronted in isolation from other discriminations and forms of oppression that women face. Given our location within the UK Aid Sector, we recognise our particular responsibility to promote debate and implement meaningful practice on anti-racism and decolonisation as part of our work.
The Group of 7 industrialised nations (G7) representing only a handful of rich countries holds significant influence on both domestic and international agendas. Given the UK’s role in this group, GADN takes responsibility for scrutinising its work and promoting positive alternatives. We do this partly through the Women 7 (W7) group of civil society organisations, working alongside the Civil Society 7 (C7).