Sue Turrell

Strategy and Development Lead at Medical Aid for Palestinians

“I’m a passionate feminist and have had the privilege of supporting women around the world to fight for and gain their rights for much of my career. The Gender and Development Network makes real change to in the international development sector and women’s lives through its research, learning and speaking out. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to GADN’s impact as a trustee.”

Sue Turrell has over 30 years of experience of the international development sector. She spent over a decade living and working in Africa and the Middle East focusing on research, teaching and training projects. She has worked for a range of UK INGOs, managing programmes, leading programme quality improvements, institutional fundraising and improving impact in fragile states. Sue has held positions in Christian Aid and Education Action managing international programmes and led operations at the Start Network. As the CEO for Womankind Worldwide, she grew the organisation financially as well as its influence and impact. At Oxfam Great Britain and International, Sue managed programmes and led the organisation through a major change process designed to shift more power and decision making to the Global South and away from the Global North. Sue has sat on the board of trustees of The Circle NGO, People in Aid, Bond and INTRAC.

TrusteeGADN Coordinator