Jessica Woodroffe

Director - on a temporary leave of absence


As a fourth-generation feminist, Jessica has promoted gender equality and economic justice throughout her career, with a focus on the care economy and global macro-economics.

Her international roles included Director of Policy and Campaigns at ActionAid UK, Head of Policy and Campaigns at the World Development Movement (now Global Justice Now) and Head of Campaigns at Christian Aid. A committed coalition-builder, Jessica helped found the Gender and Development Network, Eurodad, the Jubilee Debt Campaign and the Bretton Woods Project. As Head of Campaigns at the Fawcett Society, Jessica also advocated for gender equality in the UK.

Outside paid work, Jessica’s political commitment to equality and justice continues in her local community. She was proud to receive a Civic Award last year for coordinating support to local care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

StaffGADN Coordinator